Chantel Everett and Pedro Jimeno’s relationship in progress Family Chantel was undoubtedly a disaster, but I think outside factors were to blame for their divorce. Pedro and Chantel met in the Dominican Republic 90 day fiance season 4 when Chantel was on vacation in Pedro’s home country. The couple decided to travel back to the US to get married, much to the chagrin of Chantel’s family. Although their relationship seemed smooth at first, Chantel’s family, especially Karen Everett, never trusted Pedro’s intentions with their daughter.

Although Family Chantel season 5 is in the rearview mirror and there’s still plenty of drama from Pedro and Chantel’s divorce. Lidia Morel and Nicole Jimeno were always meddling in Pedro’s life, and the Dominican man often sided with his family over his wife, leading to arguments. Chantel’s family only wanted to protect her from heartbreak, but Pedro eventually left Chantel to pick up the pieces of their failed relationship. Pedro and Chantel had problems in their marriage, but I honestly believe that outside forces ultimately led to their separation. Here’s why.

Nicole announced that she didn’t like Chantel

He wanted to ruin his life

Nicole made it known from the beginning that she couldn’t stand Chantel and wanted to ruin her relationship with Pedro. He was very vocal about his dislike of his sister-in-law Family Chanteland while it wasn’t clear if she was demeaning to get screen time or to break Chantel and Pedro, she got what she wanted in the end. Negative comments appeared both in confessions and in conversations with Pedro. Nicole criticizes Chantel’s personality, appearance and relationship With Pedro in all possible translations.

Pedro never stood a chance against Nicole’s manipulative ways.

Nicole consistently supported her brother as he distanced himself from Chantel. He suggested that Chantel was in control and that Pedro would be better off without her. However, Chantel wasn’t really in control; she just wanted Pedro to put her and their marriage first. This created more tension as Chantel thought Nicole influenced Pedro’s decisions, which was blatantly true.

Nicole sided with Pedro no matter what. When Chantel expressed her concerns about Pedro’s relationship with Nicole, it only deepened the rift as Nicole dismissed Chantel’s feelings and accused her of manipulation. It seemed Nicole’s main purpose in life was to make Chantel’s existence unbearable.

Pedro’s family was too involved in their relationship

He cared more about their opinions than Chantel

Nicole was far too involved in Pedro’s relationship with Chantel, but so was her mother, Lidia. Lidia got involved for the same reason as Nicole: screen time. All he cared about was getting money from Pedro and keeping his loyalty. Lidia was very critical of Chantel and encouraged Pedro to focus on supporting his family in the Dominican Republic, which strained his relationship with Chantel.

Lidia’s mistrust of Chantel and constant criticism caused even more friction, especially when she made Pedro feel responsible for his family’s financial well-being, adding pressure to the couple’s already strained dynamic. He and Nicole would feed each other, filled Pedro’s mind with doubts about Chantel despite his alleged love for his wife. The American woman never stood a chance against Pedro’s petty mother and sister.

Lidia further demonstrated her hunger for fame and attention when she appeared Love in Paradise: The Caribbean like Scott Wern’s love. Their romance ultimately didn’t work out, but Lidia seemed desperate to find her own ties to the United States. He also continued to pressure Pedro for money and expressed disdain for Chantel. Although Pedro could have tried to defend Chantel, he chose not to.

Even Chantel’s family got in on the act

Karen couldn’t stand Pedro

Karen, Chantel’s mother, was also very critical of Pedro, especially after his sudden change in behavior before their breakup. From early on, he was suspicious of her intentions and suspected that Pedro married Chantel for a green card. He even branded her “sleigh ticks,“a term for men who take advantage of their relationships with Americans to obtain US residency. His suspicions proved more valid when Pedro’s attitude towards Chantel changed after she became a permanent green card holder. Pedro insisted that he did not marry Chantel because of the card, but that is entirely possible.

Family kantel at a glance

Chantel Everett

Pedro Jimeno






Estate agent

Home town

Atlanta, Georgia

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic


Even after their breakup, Karen’s disdain for Pedro grew. He got the satisfaction of liquidating her assets, including selling her gaming chair for $1, symbolizing his eagerness to erase her from Chantel’s life. It wasn’t just Karen though. River Everett also had longstanding issues with Pedro and felt protective of his sister. With both families openly hating each other, I think it’s no wonder that Pedro and Chantel eventually broke up. They both prioritized their family’s opinions over each other’s.

Nicole’s jealousy was also a huge factor

He is still jealous of Chantel

Custom image by Cesar Garcia

Nicole has always been jealous of Chantel and it drove Pedro and his ex-wife apart. Nicole hated Chantel for her beauty, her relationship with her family, her success and her ambition. She also spent time and money to make herself look like Chantel while criticizing her looks. Nicole made Chantel’s life a living nightmare because of her jealousy. Interestingly, Nicole’s Instagram has gone private after she posted makeover photos that drew backlash from fans. She aspires to modeling and used way too many filters in her latest posts, which unfortunately are no longer available to the public.

“Beauty fades, fool is forever.”

Nicole recently poked fun at Chantel’s career switch from nursing to injections in a post @his_daughter_7 where Judge Judy says: “beauty fades, fool is forever.” Chantel is less focused on her looks than Nicole, but Nicole, ever the hypocrite, still ends up hating Chantel for whatever reason. It’s embarrassing, but in the end I think Nicole got everything she wanted. Nicole hated Chantel. so much that allowing her sister-in-law to be happy, Envy is never a strong enough drug.

Unfortunately, Nicole didn’t think things through. Now that Chantel and Pedro have broken up, she is completely irrelevant. The only reason why Nicole still hates Chantel online is to maintain relevance. Hopefully Chantel will ignore Nicole after the incident Family Chantel. He doesn’t deserve a platform when he was one of the main reasons behind Pedro and Chantel’s divorce. Nicole may want to be a beautiful model, but her behavior is not attractive. I think she caused Pedro and Chantel to break up.

Family Chantel

is available to stream on Discovery Plus.

Source: @his_daughter_7/Instagram

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