90 day fiance star Jovi Dufren is a cheater, and he may have played pranks, but he recently hinted that his relationship with Yara Zaya is over. Although the couple has chemistry, both are stubborn and determined. Jovi’s party boy lifestyle, including an obsession with exotic dancerswas a very bright red flag. Meanwhile, Yara’s materialism (and reluctance to embrace life in Louisiana) made her seem like a snob. However, when she became a mother, the gorgeous blonde mellowed out, revealing her stepmother. This is why a possible divorce is so stressful for him.

On Instagram, Jovi is an entertaining presence and occasionally opens up about what’s going on beneath the perfect surface. Yes, he and the very fashionable Yara are a charming couple – they look great on IG posts, but Instagram only tells part of the story. When Jovi was asked if he and Yara were still together 90 day fiance updatehe replied, “No, we’re not.” Seems straightforward enough, but Jovi enjoys playing with people, so this could be some kind of mind game.

Jovi had to grow up when he became a father

He let Yara down

It’s great to party and have fun, but when the baby is fussy, it’s time to calm down. Going out at night, overindulging and then feeling terrible the next day is definitely not conducive to good parenting. Partying should be casual – not a lifestyle. Despite Jovi’s promises to grow up, however, he’s almost always dim. The daughter he shares with Yara, Mylah Dufren, is adorable and Jovi loves her, but maybe maturity is too hard for him to achieve.

He has done bad things to Yara. He has humiliated his gorgeous partner so many times but never realized how lucky he was to be with such a mesmerizing woman. Yes, he may have been crazy and money hungry, but the other women he dated couldn’t have looked better than him.

Jovi is just fickle – some people are like that and usually don’t change. Jovi can be a “tough wire” to cheat. For partners who want monogamy, these types of people are poison.

When he texted the stripper and Yara found out, it was a sign that they broke up in time. While they may still be together, it’s clear that he doesn’t really love her the way he should. He is more interested in cheap thrills than respecting his wife.

It’s a tragic end for a woman who moved from Ukraine to America to try her luck with Jovi.

Yes, Yara is flawed, but she doesn’t seem like a cheater, and she sure could be if she wanted to. He appeals to Jovi’s sunny energy, but it has a real dark side. After all, the dark side equals pain. Life may be difficult without Jovi, but at least he is free. She doesn’t need to act like a happy wife when she’s raging inside. No matter how materialistic he is, he does not deserve a partner who is constantly “raining” with strippers in “Lou”.

Fans can stream 90 day fiance and other 90DF series shows on the Discovery+ platform.

Source: 90 day fiance update/Instagram

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