Additional visuals by Zack Snyder Defenders of justice will likely be completed soon, but the shoot is said to be a lot to cover in just a week long shoot. The biggest surprise is the return of Jared Leto’s Joker, who reportedly wasn’t very happy with his treatment at Warner Bros. and was effectively replaced by Joaquin Phoenix. Another surprise due to the controversy surrounding her was the return of Amber Heard as Mera, who would likely make a brief scene with Jason Momoa’s Aquaman.

While it looks like smooth sailing from here on out, Zack Snyder’s sudden and unexplained removal seems to have more waves to come. Defenders of justice Trailer released during DC FanDome.


In a strange turn of events, Warner Bros. removed Zack Snyder’s official trailer Defenders of justice from all social media accounts, including YouTube, of which have been privatized.

Zack Snyder’s Twitter

Update: This has been reported by Aaron Couch The Hollywood Reporter that the reason for the removal of Zack Snyder Defenders of justice trailer stemmed from a dispute over the musical rights to Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”.


Before anyone panics about Zack Snyder’s cut Defenders of justice since they are being cancelled, remember that they have already invested over $70 million in the project. That’s not to mention all the attention it got at DC FanDome, as Snyder’s cut had its own panel. It’s also equally unlikely that this has anything to do with Ray Fisher or his grievances with the executives and production at Warner Bros. under Joss Whedon.

Plus teaser trailers and sneak peeks from Zack Snyder Defenders of justice are still available on many Warner Bros. social media pages, so they’re definitely not canceling it. No, it’s likely that Warner Bros. change something in the entire trailer, which is why the YouTube video was set to private and not removed. The best theory about what Warner Bros. is changing in the trailer is the Warner Max logo that appears in it, which was recently announced to be retired.

Fans should stay calm until Warner Bros. will issue an official statement or, more likely, that the trailer will be released publicly again in the coming days with minor changes.

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