
  • Amy Slaton’s intense Scorpio energy leads to vengeful cryptic posts on social media. He expresses deep feelings in a passive-aggressive way.
  • Amy calls her exes with cryptic messages and blames them for their failed relationships. She feels mistreated by the men in her life.
  • Amy’s astrological placement reveals a passionate Scorpio who loves everything or nothing. His Capricorn Moon sign makes him crave control.

1000-lb Sisters star Amy Slaton looks happier than ever, but she may have a dark side – Amy is an intense and passionate Scorpio, a vindictive sign. Amy’s astrological birth chart shows a lot of darkness. Beneath that bright blue hair and sunny smile is a volcanic energy. That’s why Amy uses barely cryptic messages to express all the emotions swirling inside her. These strong emotions have to come out somewhere. On TikTok, he can tear down his enemies without naming them — such a passive-aggressive way to get his point across.

Amy is not a bad person. No one says that. Actually legally blind Amy helping her sister Tammy Slaton is actually pretty adorable. However, she feels wronged by the men in her life, which is why proud Kentucky woman Amy seems to enjoy calling out her exes via rather “cryptic” messages. Whether she was shaming Michael Halterman or secretly telling the world that Kevin was the worst boyfriend a woman could ever have, it’s all too easy to understand his “hidden” messages.


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Amy’s Milkshake brings all the psychos to the yard

He has not been lucky in love

Custom image by Cesar Garcia

Above, Amy tells a tragic story about his love life. He thinks he’s attracting real dirtbags with serious mental issues. Of course, he didn’t spell it out exactly, but the message is crystal clear. He might as well write it in the sky – my last boyfriend had sucked! Ami has issues – her romance with Kevin didn’t last, and she’s probably the target here. Instead of telling him what a disappointment he was face to face, she takes to social media and hilariously writes:

My milkshake brings out all the psychoses.

To make all this “mysterious post-analysis” more intriguing, ieit’s time to share some information about Amy’s astrological “footprint” or her birth chart. It’s really enlightening. These are his “main” placements – the ones that really affect a person. Together, all these elements contribute to her personality and shed light on what is going on inside Amy and what her motivations are:

Sun sign


Moon sign


Sign of Venus


Sign of Mars


Scorpio is ultimately about sex and power. Although Amy seems healthy enough, at the soul level, Scorpios are very invested in controlling other people to get their needs met. It is their essence. Evil scorpions like Charles Manson went too far, basically murdering with a remote control. Then there are the more sophisticated Scorpios, the “white doves” like Bill Gates, who went from ruthless corporate raider to selfless philanthropist.

So Scorpios really rule the spectrum. Amy is one of the best, but she still has some bitterness. He has a Scorpion desire for revenge – to destroy enemies.

Amy has some work to do – she’s still blaming and shaming after her breakup Things. However, in his inner world, he is a victim of injustice. Scorpios are not interested in excuses. If someone doesn’t please them for any reason, it’s war. The tendency to see everything as “life or death” is a big part of what Scorpios are all about.

Yes, until Scorpios learn to control themselves, they will go too far. Not everything is a fight to the death. This is something they have to learn.

Scorpio Amy finds out that she is a single mother

It’s not easy, is it?

This is one of the Scorpions Amy‘s most aggressive cryptic messages. Many single mothers feel they have to be fathers too. They do all the things dads did before their marriages failed, from watching sports to playing video games and more. However, sometimes Amy forgets what a Gift it is to have such a beautiful bond with Gage and Glenn Halterman. Sometimes when dads aren’t involved in their kids‘ lives, they miss out on the most wonderful things. Exclusive motherhood means:

  • proximity
  • love
  • mutual understanding
  • sharing the journey
  • laughter

Michael wasn’t the best husband – he dropped the ball as a father. He probably loved Amy and he certainly loves his children, but he made mistakes. He was controlling Amy – giving orders to Scorpios is downright dangerous. They often hate authority figures. When Michael didn’t give Amy access to his own debit card, he was really playing with fire. It didn’t end well, did it? This is because Amy has a Capricorn Moon sign.

People with Moon in Capricorn can be very cold. They have goals and they are going to achieve them no matter what. There is real ruthlessness here. If Amy likes shopping and Michael doesn’t want her to have a debit card, he’s going to do something about it. He’s going to cross that barrier.

How did he do it? Divorce – the ultimate, deceptively simple end to a very messy relationship. Although the ink on the papers has dried, they contain memories, co-parenting issues and more. Unless a man just not present for his childrenhe is still in the picture.

It’s unclear how “in the picture” Michael actually is. Amy wanted her Scorpio powers back. He wanted to rule his home. Now he can. However, if he had been too ruthless, he might have driven Michael away. Their children need a father. Amy should check herself for Capricorn. He should try to be softer sometimes – less bossy, more conciliatory. It helps him.

When it comes to love, Amy is all or nothing

It’s black and white

With Kevin, Amy seemed happy at first. However, it seemed that some doubt was creeping in. She stopped trusting him – maybe she really was chasing prestige. He brought her into his life too quickly and made him a part of his children’s lives. This was probably a mistake. Some things are sacred and should be protected. It’s better if Amy waits until she really knows the man before bringing him to her children. They already have to deal with leaving a broken home, even though they get a lot of love.

The reason Amy falls so fast and hard is because of her Venus in Scorpio. In astrology, Venus shows us how we love and what we’re attracted to…and who we’re attracted to. Since Amy is a Scorpio who loves like a Scorpio, she is a twin Scorpio. Picture a Scorpio with two tails instead of one to get the general idea. That’s a double dose of intensity – almost too much for a Scorpio woman to handle.

This explains the meltdowns, depression, and terrible anxiety she felt during season 5. Amy feels everything in such a passionate way.

There is one bright spot – his Mars in Libra placement. This lightens up her personality and gives her a little surface charm that goes a long way. Mars in Libra is native because it tells people exactly what they want to hear. They are so charming. Her Mars in Libra appeal is probably the reason why Amy’s popularity has grown online. In addition, it makes him image-conscious – Libra wants to make good impressions. So it’s no surprise that Amy dyes her hair, wears bright colors and more.

The 1000-lb Sisters star is a firecracker (read more about her weight loss journey in the clip above) – she has so much electrical energy to manage. It’s hard for him, and decompressing the passive-aggressive messages might ease the tension. However, when he ends it, it’s a sign that he’s in complete control. If that happens, it means that Amy went to the next level. He got over his bitterness and really moved on. Since she seems so happy lately, it’s possible that she’s putting the barely cryptic messages of the past behind her forever.

Sources: Amy Slaton/Instagram, Amy Slaton/Instagram, The Things

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