
  • The Golden Bachelor’s Gerry and Theresa’s marriage was driven by romantic notions, societal pressure and reality TV.
  • Their hasty marriage after long, healthy marriages to their first spouses was a mistake.
  • The couple had limited time to get to know each other due to the filming and rating requirements of the series, and ultimately did not commit to marriage.

The Golden Bachelor season 1’s Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist recently finalized their divorce, and while the split appears to be amicable, the couple should never have gotten married. Like many bad life decisions, this one was driven by romantic notions, societal pressure, and reality TV. Dating reality shows are nothing new as they have been a mainstay of the genre ever since Bachelor season 1 premiered in 2003, but this was the first time a dating show focused on the love lives of baby boomers.

The Golden Bachelor season 1 was a surprise hit on ABC that instantly captured the attention of a fickle television audience. Gerry dated 22 gorgeous older women and gave his last rose to Theresa. The two got married in January, and while hopes were high for the seven-year-old nemesis, Theresa and Gerry announced their separation in April. As much as everyone wanted to believe their love story, Gerry and Theresa should not have been married.


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Gerry and Theresa’s marriage cheapens their first marriages

Golden widows

Long before Gerry was The Golden Bachelor, he was married to the love of his life, Toni Turner, for 43 years. They had two children and two grandchildren together, and after many years of hard work, the couple finally built their dream home on a lake in Indiana. Unfortunately, Gerry’s wife fell ill shortly after they moved into their dream home died after a short illness in 2017.

Like Gerry, Theresa was also a widow before joining the cast The Golden Bachelor season 1. Theresa met William Nast when they were teenagers and she married him when she was only 18 and he was 20. He was the love of her life, but after 42 years of marriage and two children William died in 2014.

After enjoying long, healthy marriages with the loves of her life, entering into a hasty marriage that quickly failed was a mistake.

Gerry and Theresa barely knew each other

It was a ratings grab

The Golden Bachelor season 1 was filmed in the summer of 2023 and didn’t end until December, so Gerry and Theresa had to keep their relationship a secret the whole time. This made it difficult to know because they had to keep it hidden. TheThe Golden Bachelor the final rose ceremony was aired in December, and the wedding was planned for January 4. in just a few weeks to the public with his relationship.

This simply wasn’t enough for Gerry and Theresa to get to know each other, but the show’s ratings were great and fans were clamoring for a wedding.

Gerry and Theresa were not engaged

They should have tried harder

Custom image by César García

It is disappointing that Gerry and Theresa called it quits after only three months. While there is something to be said for ripping the band off quickly, marriage is a serious institution that should not be entered into lightly or walked away without a fight. Divorcing after only three months, The Golden Bachelor the couple confirmed that they never took marriage very seriously.

The Golden Bachelor

season 1 is available to stream on Hulu.

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