Concerns have been raised that the latest plan to open a “restaurant” in a city hit by drugs and violence is just a “nightclub in disguise”. Brent’s premises have been closed since 2022, when it was a late-night bar, after the Metropolitan Police highlighted its “ongoing problems” with crime and disorder.

Palm Island Lounge owner Kingsley Adjel has applied for a license to play music and serve alcohol until midnight at the site of the former bar in the residential area of ​​Craven Park Road, Harlesden. It is the second application in less than a year after the council quashed Adjel’s previous attempt to open the venue until 4am every day.

Police have called for the latest application to also be thrown out over fears the venue will “slowly revert to what it was before”. Police officers suggest there has been a noticeable reduction in the number of violent incidents since its closure and claim there is no local support for its reopening.

The venue, which was previously home to Vybz Bar, had its license revoked in August 2021 after police received a closure order due to its persistent problems with crime and violence. An application last year to open the venue until 4am was refused over concerns it would “undo all the hard work” officers had done to restore order in the area.

Although the latest application is to open a restaurant that will only serve alcohol until 11.30pm on weekdays and 12am on weekends, there are some concerns that the plan is actually a nightclub masquerading as a restaurant.

One resident called the plan a “nightclub in disguise”. In documents submitted to the council, they said: “The application says the property will seat up to 60-80 people but without any site plan. This figure seems far too high unless customers are drinking vertically.”

They added: “The license for Vybz Bar included (a) condition (that) the total number of people allowed on the premises (should) not exceed 50. As Vybz was a bar with few standing customers and the Palm Island Lounge was to be seated only, it seems impossible to receive 60-80.”

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The fact that the venue will be over-18s only, with patrons set to have their IDs scanned on their way in, has further raised suspicions that it is meant to be a nightclub.

But Mr Adjel insists it will operate as a restaurant, claiming that while a risk assessment recommended a capacity of 80, the number and layout of tables and chairs “has not been fully determined yet”.

Mr Adjel also says that people standing up and drinking will not be allowed and that alcohol will only be sold with “a substantial meal” and sitting down. Although a “significant meal” is not defined, the food is described as a mix of West African and Mediterranean cuisine.

Harlesden and Kensal Green’s three councilors also want the latest application rejected. They have criticized the plan for being “incomplete and ambiguous”, while raising concerns about its “staggering and worrying” lack of detail.

In a document submitted to the licensing committee, one of the councillors, Matt Kelcher, said: “This isolated premises is in a predominantly residential area with a retail offering. Despite being centrally located, there is no other night time economy within the parade of shops.”

He added: “If a license is granted it is likely to lead to an increase in anti-social behaviour, parking problems and infringements. There is a significantly reduced police force and as such the resources required to deal with issues arising from this nightclub will be greatly strained .”

Brent Council’s Liquor and Entertainment Licensing Sub-Committee will decide whether the plan will go ahead when the application is considered at next week’s meeting (January 31).

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