An AI-generated model has shown what people are expected to look like in 30 years if diets continue to be heavy on junk food – packed with ultra-processed foods (UPF). In the UK alone, results from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities between 2022-2023 showed that 64% of over 18s were either overweight or obese.

It has also been reported that the British are the second biggest consumers of ultra-processed foods, just behind the US. ‘Michael’ is an AI rendering of what we can expect if we keep the bad habits up.

With hunchbacked shoulders, an acne-covered forehead, yellow eyes and a droopy face and clutching an inhaler, we’re all also expected to have protruding bellies and at least two chins. Not only that, our legs will be swollen, often aching, with painful sores covering the skin and an increase in wrinkles.

The model comes as part of a report carried out by recipe box, Gousto. Their study hopes to raise awareness of the long-term effects of today’s eating habits and to highlight health barriers in the UK.

It is expected that by 2055, an excessive intake of ultra-processed foods and a lack of fresh, nutritious ingredients will cause an increase in type 2 diabetes, fatty liver and intra-abdominal fat. Anxiety and depression will increase, along with the occurrence of dry itchy skin due to dehydration and asthma.

Other side effects include negative sleep patterns, leading to fatigue, daytime drowsiness, irritability, poor concentration – and more stress – which will cause the rapid appearance of wrinkles. According to the study, 60% of Britons are unaware of the long-term effects of these foods, and over 75% say they want to eat healthier, but either don’t have the time or the money.

Dr Hilary Jones, MBE, has partnered with Gousto on the Ultra Processed Plates reports to offer an expert’s insight into these worrying forecasts. He said: “Ultra-processed foods are not inherently harmful, but when they dominate our diet and replace fresh, nutritious foods, they can increase the risk of long-term health problems such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders and nutritional deficiencies. .

“A balanced diet full of fresh, whole ingredients is critical to preventing chronic conditions and supporting overall health. Scratch cooking is one of the most effective ways to minimize our ultra-processed food intake and maintain a balanced diet.”

Gousto’s CEO and co-founder, Timo Bold, said the recipe box company has grown its menu to over 500 meals and says 89% of its ingredients are not ultra-processed. He added: “I believe that food is medicine, and the right diet helps us stay healthier for longer. But to really empower people, we need greater transparency in the food industry and clear standards for classifying ultra-processed foods, so that everyone can make better informed choices for their health.”

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