Christopher Nolan’s latest blockbuster Oppenheimer has been one half of a box office stunner over the past week, with “Barbenheimer” craze creating one of the biggest opening weekends in recent memory for the film alongside Greta Gerwig’s Barbie.

Oppenheimer is a historical drama focusing on the man who was central to the development of the atomic bomb during World War II, J. Robert Oppenheimer. Always one to push the boundaries Nolan’s film is shot entirely in IMAX, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with the super-high-definition film with a three-hour running time.

As well as pushing film technology, this three-hour running time has made waves for the pressure it puts on cinema-goers’ bladders, with a comfort break inevitable for many of those watching.

This has prompted a number of those on social media who have seen the film to help those still waiting by sharing the best possible moment to run out without missing any important details.

One TikToker who wanted to help moviegoers with a weaker bladder said: “If you’re going to see Oppenheimer and you need to know when to pee, you’re good to go as soon as Oppenheimer’s old colleague comes to Los Alamos for the first time.

“If you can keep your trip under two minutes, all you need to know is that Oppenheimer has received his security clearance.”

And with two-and-a-half-hour plus movies becoming more and more common, anyone who regularly has this problem will be happy to know that there’s even an app you can use to make sure you never miss a key scene when you run to the toilet.

A review for the app online says: “Great idea, well executed. Tells me when I’m going to pee and what I’m going to miss. I can set a timer so I pee in the right place. I can see how long the end points are, and crucially, if there is anything worth waiting for at the end of them.”

Another review adds: “Awesome app. Identifies times in a movie when you won’t miss much action or plot, so you can go to the bathroom, and provides a recap and countdown timer while you’re doing it, so you literally don’t miss a thing.”

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