If I had a nickel for every dull black phone case I’ve encountered or used over the years, I’d probably have amassed enough to purchase yet another phone case. Fortunately, stylish options are no longer exclusive to the iPhone. I’ve grown quite fond of Caseology‘s Parallax, which initially launched as an iPhone case. Now, it’s available for several Pixel devices, including the Pixel 8.

The beauty of the Parallax lies in its simplicity. It’s a flexible, single-piece construction, making it incredibly easy to attach and remove from your phone. But don’t let its simplicity fool you. The case features a couple of different patterns to disrupt the monotony of a plain, flexible case. It boasts a 3D-cut triangle pattern on the back, adding both grip and style. This is complemented by a two-tone rose gold strip along the bottom and even more texture below that. The case is easy to grab and go, and it’s designed not to slip from your grasp.

Another noteworthy aspect of the Caseology Parallax is its accolades. It won a design award in 2016, and it’s hard to argue with success. You can trust that what was considered good design then still holds up today. Over time, the design has been refined, particularly the air pockets in the corners and the design across the back. Plus, there are a few new colorways to choose from. For the Pixel 8, you can select ash gray, matte black, and burgundy. These choices add a fun pop of color to your Pixel 8 while providing ample protection.

The Caseology Parallax will set you back $30, placing it in the midfield of the Pixel 8 cases we’ve tested thus far.

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