The Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 The campaign had a twist ending that revealed a mysterious CIA operative who many have assumed was Jackson Caine.

Treyarch and Activision’s latest action-packed epic follows the events of the 2020s almost directly Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold Warwhich brings back fan favorite characters like Frank Woods and Russell Adler.

This time in the campaign, players continue to a Mission: ImpossibleA global mission to stop Pantheon’s secret military outfit and use of a psychochemical weapon called the Cradle.

BO6 Ending explained

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

After jumping around the world, Black Ops 6 The campaign twist ends back at the team’s central safehouse in Avalon (a fictional forested area in former Soviet Bulgaria), which had become such an important part of the story up to that point.

After capturing their double agent, ex-CIA operative Jane Harrow, this final mission follows the game’s undercover operatives (voiced by player character Case) as they interrogate him for information on where he plans to launch the Cradle attack.

Just before this, it was revealed that the Cradle was actually a CIA invention, and Harrow had once helped develop it. It turns out that Harrows was working at a secret US military facility in Kentucky, developing the creation of a potential super soldier.

These tests led to the creation of Cradle. However, after a terrible biochemical leak, the entire project was abandoned, and Harrow turned to the US government and became a leading member of the Pantheon working for the CIA.

To make matters even more complicated, as part of this Cradle backstory, it is stated that the player character Case was named after “Case One” during Cradle testing, meaning that he has a dangerous chemical weapon lying dormant. the veins are waiting to be activated.

Case holds it together pretty well for much of the game, only indulging in passing hallucinations and voices in his head. However, everything falls apart during this cycle.

As Pantheon descends on the safehouse, hoping to carry out his plan to place the Cradle in the US capitol, the disgraced military outfit retrieves Harrow from Frank Woods and the team and appears to have escaped.

However, with the rest of his team down, Case steps in to save the day and goes after the Pantheon soldiers to hopefully bring this all to a close.

Case launches himself at the helicopter being used to help Harrow escape, climbs aboard and kills everyone on board except his former CIA instructor.

A helicopter rises from the sky due to Case’s attack, leading to a last stand between him and Harrow. As the plane fills with water, Case beats Harrow with a Cradle bottle while on board. She hallucinates as he strangles her out.

The scene then fades to black, leaving the player to assume that both Harrow and Cradle are dead. The game continues with Frank Woods, and the rest of Case’s team meets with CIA Director Daniel Livingstone.

Livingstone tells the team that their work is not done, as the Pantheon is still alive and still has operatives in the CIA. In the final scene, a mysterious figure sneaks into Livingstone’s office and logs into his computer before cutting to the game.

Was it Jackson Caine in Black Ops 6?

The mystery man sits behind the computer as the Black Ops 6 campaign ends
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

End of this twist, revealing Black Ops 6The mystery character of the last moments makes fans dive deep into speculation.

Jackson Caine

A prevailing theory among fans is that this mystery man is Jackson Caine and is being used to create a seasonal multiplayer story Black Ops 6is a constantly evolving post-release content plan.

Caine is one of the multiplayer characters currently available in the game, and is described as the leader of a Pantheon kill squad known as the Crimson One, tasked with taking down Frank Woods’ Black Ops team.

This theory would make the most sense Call of Duty has become known for distributing story segments that follow the game’s campaign in each subsequent multiplayer season.

Since Caine’s continued search for Woods and his crew seems to be a large part of the post-launch story content, this would be a logical tease to include in the game’s campaign adventure ending.

Case (aka Bell)

Some believe this final scene could also be a tease for the next game Black Ops a series that potentially hides ties to the past and future Call of Duty games.

Some seem to think that this mystery figure could be Case. His death was not seen during the last mission, so he may still be working in the shadows.

However, since he was exposed to the Cradle again in the final helicopter sequence of the game, this final scene may indicate that the evil Pantheon now controls him and could be an opponent in the series going forward.

To take this Case theory to the next level, a certain group of fans have even speculated that not only is the mystery man behind Livingstone’s computer case, but Case is also the main character. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold WarBell.

At the end of the game, Bell is apparently shot dead by a CIA agent Black Ops Russell Adler, who carries the franchise. But what if after that he was captured by the CIA and tried something like Cradle?

during Black Ops 6 campaign, Adler’s knowledge of Cradle seems to be about 10 years ago, which corresponds almost exactly Black Ops Cold War.

This would make sense since fans never see Case or Bell’s face separately during either game. Also a character present in time Black Ops 6The opening interrogation scene looks an awful lot like the man sitting at Livingstone’s computer at the end of the game.

If Case was as much a part of Frank Woods’ team as the game implies, why wasn’t he present at this interrogation/briefing? Well, maybe he was, and he’s this cool military guy that fans get glimpses of back in the day Black Ops 6opening mission.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is available for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC.

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