
  • Bosun’s Iain Maclean needs to step up his game as his management skills are lacking in Below Deck Mediterranean.
  • Iain’s brash attitude towards security puts the guests at risk, indicating that he may not be up to the role.
  • Captain Sandy could possibly fire Iain if he doesn’t get better as his actions have caused a rift in the crew.

Below deck, the Mediterranean Sea season 9 Bosun’s Iain Maclean has struggled through the charter season but after her appearance in the latest episode she should be fired. Although captain Sandy Yawn has not seen how poor Iain’s performance has been throughout the first two regular seasons of the season, things have hit a rough patch with the outside team so far. Trying to guide the leading Gael Cameron, Joe Bradley and Nathan Gallagher through the charter season, Iain has struggled to maintain the respect of his crew and act as a manager in difficult conditions on superyacht Mustique.

Iain, who has been with Bosu for a few years on various private charter and superyachts, said he has been in the business long enough to know what he is doing, but he may not have been telling the truth. For Iain, the superyacht Bosun is more of a technical position than a management position. Although he knows he is responsible for the outside crew, Iain has worked harder to maintain Mustique than he has to communicate with his team. Because of his lack of leadership ability the outside team has struggled throughout the first drafts.


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Bosun Iain seemed capable during the first charter

He performed well under pressure

Custom image by César García

Although Iain has struggled since the first Charter of the season, his time at Mustique started on a more solid footing. Throughout the first charter Iain and the rest of the deck team got to know each other and interacted with the incredibly demanding charter guests. Although the charter was difficult, the deck team proved capable of overcoming some of Mustique’s early problems. Although the superyacht is older, it is still in working order, but Ia went ahead and assessed what kind of problems there were.

Throughout the first charter Iain and the rest of the deck team had to deal with the charter guests and ensure they were doing things safely both on and off the superyacht. Although the charter was shorter, guests still had time for frequent outdoor activities and used Mustique’s water sports vehicles and off-boat decks. Although it was wise of Iain to evaluate the superyacht before the season, tthere were dynamics building here that he should have paid attention to.

Another charter shows that his leadership was lacking

He left the crew to fend for themselves

After the first charter run of the season, Iain knew he was going to do something more significant for the rest of the charter season. Another set of charter guests was a group with ties to Captain Sandy, so the crew knew they had to bring their A-game. Throughout the second charter, Iain and his team had mistakes that were difficult for the spectators to follow and for the team to overcome. Iain’s leadership was lacking throughout the charterwhich became more evident during the second half of the trip.

Although Iain had had problems with the crew earlier in the charter, the second half of the trip was difficult for their communication. Iain brought the charter guests to the beach without consulting the rest of his team, which made things difficult to organize. Communication between Below deck, the Mediterranean Sea the season 9 crew was non-existent, making it impossible for them to succeed. Although they were able to accommodate guests, it was an unnecessarily stressful situation due to Iain’s lack of communication.

Captain Sandy had to tell Iain that he had to lead his team

He reprimanded the Bosun after the charter

After the charter guests traveled on site and had fun on their excursion, the return to the superyacht was smoother. Although the outside team did their best to get a strong front, it was clear that things were not going well for them. Iain had lost the edge he had over the rest of the team, although he had explained his actions by not contacting them before the guests arrived. After losing the trust of his team, Captain Sandy had something to say about the way Bosun handled thingsalso.

Meanwhile Captain Sany said that he had noticed the problems between Iain and his team, mentions communication as a problem, although we don’t know the details of the situation. Although he wasn’t aware of what exactly was going on, he made it clear to Iain that he needed him to deal with what was happening in his team. Iain warned him about paying attention to what was going on in the out team. Deck Med problems.

Iain has put charter guests in danger on more than one occasion

He was passionate about problems

Custom image by César García

While the outside team had communication issues between Iain and the rest of the deck crew, there were also some issues that could affect guest safety. In the early days of the Second Charter, Iain looked after the navigation while the rest of the deck crew looked after the guests. Spending time in the water, guests rode jet skis and paddle boats with Joe and Nathan With Gael staying on deck to keep things organized.

While Joe handled the jet skis and other water toys, Nathan and one of the guests had paddled into the water and before long they found themselves a little too deep. When Nathan realized he was too far away, he had given Iain help more than once, but Iain had ignored the 911 call. Both Nathan and Joe had invited Iain but he left Deckhand to solve the problems himself. This immediately became a problem as it put the guests in serious danger.

Bosun’s Iain should be fired from below deck in the Mediterranean

He’s been put in too much danger

Seeing that the outside team is broken and has lost trust in the crew member who should be their leader, it seems clear that Iain should be fired from Mustique and leave. Below deck, the Mediterranean Sea. While Iain will likely get another chance to prove himself, the fact that he has already put himself and the rest of his crew in danger with two charters under his belt is dangerous. Iain’s behavior has been brazen for the level of danger he has put others inwhich is not an appropriate reaction.

Although Iain may not break up with Mustique quickly, if his behavior does not change, it is likely that he will Captain Sandy takes action before something dangerous happens again. Iain ignores the fact that he has lost the trust of his crew, has made it clear that he does not know how to lead a team successfully. If he hopes to continue Below deck, the Mediterranean Sea or in the sailing industry in general, he must try to manage the people under his charge more effectively.

Source: Below decks/Instagram

Below deck, the Mediterranean Sea

Below Deck Mediterranean is a Bravo reality series that follows a crew working on a giant superyacht during busy season. The show highlights the crew’s challenges as they serve their high-class clientele. Each season deals with new locations such as Greece, Croatia, Italy and France, with some recurring.

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