Dear EU Londoner,

I am writing to you today to say thank you. Thank you for everything you have done – and continue to do – for our city.

Seven years ago today our country voted to leave the European Union. It was a heart-breaking day for me, and I know it was for many of you too. There is no doubt that in the years since, Brexit has caused huge damage to our city and created a great deal of uncertainty for many of you.

But you stayed with us. Despite the appalling uncertainty over settled status, despite being used as bargaining chips in the negotiations and despite the anti-migrant rhetoric coming from this Government, you kept the faith and continued to make London your home. For that, I am immensely grateful. You are a key reason why London is one of the most dynamic, most successful and most vibrant cities on earth.

European Londoners are – and will always be – our colleagues, neighbours, friends and loved ones. You belong here and from our food and fashion, to our financial centre and public services, your contribution remains pivotal to our city’s success. You are a core part of our identity, history and future, and I will always stand up for your rights. That’s why I am supporting calls to give EU Londoners the legal right to vote in General Elections across the UK. You can already vote in local and Mayoral elections and it is only right you get a say in those who decide the laws that you live under.

Despite all the controversies around Brexit we must look forwards, seeking to protect and advance our shared values of openness and internationalism. This includes continuing to ask the Government for a closer relationship with the European Union which allows European Londoners to live and work across our borders – whether you’re a musician, small-business owner or professional in the City.

London’s diversity is one our enduring strengths. As long as I’m mayor, I will do my utmost to ensure we continue to be a beacon for progressive ideas and liberal values – a place that is open to everyone whatever the colour of your skin, the colour of your passport or the colour of your national flag.

To show how much you mean to us as a city, on the 7th anniversary of the Brexit vote, we will be lighting up City Hall in the EU flag’s iconic blue and yellow colours tonight.

Sadiq Khan

Londoner and proud European

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