Family Chantel star Pedro Jimeno was accused of being like his cheating, lying father on the show — Chantel called Pedro out, and it’s time to share all the top reasons why Pedro is a big chauvinist. Male chauvinists seem like an ancient bygone era – for example, the 70s. They don’t see women as equals and treat them accordingly, expecting them to cook, clean and look sexy. There’s more to being a woman, but that’s all guys like Pedro care about. They are too shallow to want more.

Before he left her, Pedro put Chantel to the point where she didn’t want to get out of bed in the morning – that’s why the male chauvinist pig label suits her to a T. Pedro’s tactics were as barbaric as a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal emerging from a prehistoric cave with the sole purpose of bringing a woman down. Yes, he was probably trying to get Chantel to leave him so he wouldn’t have to leave her, but how stupid is that? What could be worse than being a male chauvinist pig and gavel? Not much.

8 Pedro complained about Chantel’s careless housekeeping

He was just trying to break her down emotionally

In the year TLC in the YouTube video shown above, Pedro seemed happy to own a new house with Chantel. They worked in the yard where he could caress his beloved lawn tools. Quite often Pedro was more affected by inanimate objects than his own beautiful wife. Remember what he was basically like in love with his gaming chair? Chantel couldn’t compete with that.

Luckily, fierce queen Karen Everett sold the iconic piece of furniture for one dollar. It was an amazing and empowering move – Karen really did get her daughter back.

Pedro and Chantel’s house purchase turned into a nightmare. Their idyllic lifestyle did not last long. Soon, the good times in the yard training were just memories. He started teasing her all the time. She worked long shifts as a nurse and by the end of the day, Chantel was tired. He spent the day cleaning up messes made by the patients, and he wasn’t motivated to do housework all night. His job was much harder than hers.

Instead of acknowledging this obvious fact, Pedro twisted the knife. He molested a woman who loved him unconditionally. His job as a realtor may be demanding in some ways, but it doesn’t hold a candle to him. All he has to do is dress up and try to attract people to buy apartments. When he couldn’t wrap his head around it, he seemed like a monster, a creep, and a chauvinist.

7 Pedro Jimeno is like his father

His father was a cheat and a liar

Pedro’s father was a bad apple. He was married to one woman and had children. Then there was Lidia Morel, Pedro’s mother. He was another woman, and this mistress bore his child. Pedro’s father lived a Double Life and gave Lidia money, but what kind of values ​​did he teach his children? Pedro didn’t get much emotional support from his father – he often felt like he didn’t have a father. Her sister Nicole Jimeno probably felt the same way.

The twisted values ​​that Pedro’s father promoted somehow passed on to his children. He didn’t have an honest, kind and loving father to show him what a real man is. He had a shady father who broke the rules, hurt two women and neglected some of his children. Also, Pedro’s mother is such a cold and mercenary woman.


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How could two parents like that produce a man who treats women well? The answer seems to be that they couldn’t. Maybe it wasn’t his fault – everyone is shaped by their experience. However, at some point Pedro should have grown up enough to realize that emotionally abusing his wife because he wanted to end the Green Card relationship just wasn’t cool. Using a woman is pretty chauvinistic, isn’t it? Pedro followed in his father’s footsteps.

6 Pedro’s greed is out of control

He sees women as wallets

Pedro is not the nicest guy – that’s for sure. He is full of making the American dream come true. He wants money and everything it can buy. He likes cars and clothes and his image seems very important, but who is he really? There is so much darkness beneath the perfect surface. It’s not her fault that people are charmed by her looks. However, he plays on it by deceiving women. What he did to Chantel was evil, and it was probably done for cold, hard cash.

Why else would a man do this to his wife? Pedro is just cold hearted. He has always denied that he used Chantel, but it is clear that he did. He waited a certain amount of time (more than five years) before he became a completely different man. This is because he started to be himself. He unmasked and showed the world (and a horrified Chantel) who he was. However, there were countless red flags. There’s no way she didn’t have her doubts about Pedro at some point.

He used their money to help his family. Pedro didn’t care if he took money from Chantel. Possibly her mother and sister were conspirators in her plan to defraud Chantel of a green card and cash. That would explain why they mocked him brazenly. If he really loved that woman, they probably wouldn’t have been so mean. He looked down on Chantel like a true sexist, but so did her family.

5 Pedro seems like a fraud

Chantel believes she is unfaithful

Custom image by Cesar Garcia

Pedro’s heart can be made of stone. After breaking up with Chantel, he tried dating Coraima Morla. Remember how often he beat Chantel out of him? Whenever Chantel was suspicious of Coraima, who was always lurking and trying to get with Pedro, she was basically implying that her wife was delusional for questioning their “friendship”. That’s exactly what scammers do – what else can they do? The fact that she wanted to date Coraima after her breakup seems to indicate that she had a creepy plan from day one.

Pedro danced dirty with Chantel and that is not a euphemism. They danced together and Pedro’s sister recorded the whole thing and made sure Chantel saw it. Of course, Pedro said it meant nothing. She lied because she wanted to date Coraima after her breakup. The whole time Pedro was lying through his teeth! He made Chantel believe some really natural things. This is because she wanted to believe in him and believe in him. This chauvinist never stopped to think how he was making his wife feel.

4 Pedro may have cheated with a co-worker as well

Did he get romantic with Laura Delgado?

Pedro is so focused on achieving his goals that he manipulates women to get what he wants. He did it for Chantel and may also have romanced his boss Laura Delgado. However, Laura is a pretty cool customer – she won’t be sharing any secrets about Pedro anytime soon. In fact, “as another woman: she’s ideal. She has to protect her reputation in real estate. She’s not going to reveal hard facts that might embarrass Pedro.

The really terrible thing is that Chantel trusted Laura. Imagine trusting another woman without knowing that she was the real problem (or one of them) in the relationship. If any of this is true, it shows how low Pedro is sinking. Sure, he looks good, but that’s not enough to make up for the horrors he causes. Chantel was cheated on by a guy who can wrap women around his finger. He was jealous all the time. What kind of life is that? It’s not worth it.

3 Pedro Is So Into His New Alfa Image

Was he always this arrogant?

on Instagram, Pedro it’s about gross self-promotion. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with loving a career – it’s a positive thing. He likes to be a real estate agent, and he has said on screen that he makes money doing it. The real problem is that he covers up so many bad things about himself and tries to create an alpha male image that just isn’t true.

Only the most chauvinistic men dream of being “alpha”. True “alphas”, if they’re out there (and that’s a big “if”), don’t have to try so hard. They are self-confident people by nature.

Pedro’s sexist dream of ruling America is probably why he poses as an alpha in promo posts, including joke videos referencing viral trends. Sure, some of the clips are cute, but really, Pedro isn’t there to show his true self. He’s really not that funny. This guy is more than a human cash register. Joking is just a way to gain power by getting money.

2 Pedro is all about Pedro

His ego is so sexist

Custom photo by César García

Pedro’s ego is out of control. He struts around in tight pants and shirts, showing off the ripped body he built through Muay Thai training. He fools around in front of the camera like a Hollywood movie star. Yes, Pedro could probably do well in Hollywood – his look is glossy and commercial. The problem is that Pedro knows he looks amazing – he enjoys being handsome and admires the effect it has on other people.

His Instagram close-ups are dazzling—perfect teeth, smooth skin, and that aforementioned “alpha male” attitude combine to create posts on social media that captivate even his haters. Yes, women hang around Pedro’s IG, apparently to shade him for insulting Chantel… but they always look at his posts. Maybe they just want to get a rise out of the pretty boy who graced the screens during his stint on The Family Chantel. Some of these haters would probably date her if they could.

1 Pedro crushed Chantel and never really apologizes

He knows what He did to him

Custom image of César García

Pedro has never fully dealt with the damage he caused. He made Chantel think he was Prince Charming, but in reality he was more than one of those sociopaths you see in true crime documentaries. Pedro abused his power as a man by cheating on Chantel. He made her think she had found the perfect man. His former friend said he planned the whole thing. Chantel believes in that person.

Is it worth doing something like this to another person? Is that enough reward to justify the collateral damage? No, not in the common man’s mind. However, Pedro is not necessarily neurotypical. Perhaps his conscience is not as sensitive and emotional as most people’s. Maybe that’s why it’s so easy for him to act and lie.

He says he loves Chantel, but where’s the proof? There is no evidence at all. If he had loved her, would he have left her crying in bed over his insults? Did he yell from his gaming chair instead of caring about her feelings? Would he try dating the woman he dirty danced with after breaking up with Chantel and breaking her heart into a million little pieces. In no way. No one who has ever loved anyone would do that.

Pedro grew up in a male-dominated culture. However, that is no excuse for such appalling sexism. She should apologize and tell how her family pressured her to use Chantel. He should try to fix it. It’s really the only thing that can lead to a new beginning and some sort of redemption.

Family Chantel stream on the Discovery+ platform.

Sources: TLC/YouTube, Pedro Jimeno/Instagram

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