Paedon Brown is one of Christine Brown and Kody Brown’s children, but he will never reconcile Sister wives patriarch Kody. Born in 1998, the National Guard cadet spent part of his childhood in Utah before moving to Las Vegas, Nevada with the rest of the Brown family in 2011. In March 2023, Paedon faced the tragic loss of his brother Garrison Brown. , which affected him and his entire family, although he was especially close to Garrison, who was the son of Kody and Janelle Brown.

Although Paedon and Kody had issues even before Garrison’s death, the tragic loss seemed to be the catalyst for their fractured relationship. Paedon can’t stand Robyn Brown and doesn’t approve of how Kody handled the meltdown with Christine, Janelle, and Meri Brown. Paedon and Meri also have a strained relationship, but Paedon and Kody will never reconcile. As Sister wives season 19 continues, this is why Paedon and Kody are over for good.

8 Paedon doesn’t like Robyn

She blames him for her parents’ divorce

Paedon has been open about his vitriol for Robyn, Kody’s last wife. She blames him for the family dynamic and her strained relationship with her father. According to Paedon, as reported TV shows AceRobyn played an important role in Kody putting herself and her children first over his other wives and children. Paedon’s resentment towards Robyn’s children stemmed from seeing his father devote more time and attention to them, leading to tension between Robyn and the rest of the family.


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Paedon described his relationship with Robyn as follows:weird and weird“, adding to the idea that he will never reconcile with his father as long as Robyn is still in the picture. Paedon also believes that Robyn was constantly playing the victim and tearing his family apart, thus earning him the nickname.”Sobbed Robyn.” Robyn benefited most from the family’s move to Flagstaff, Arizonawhich some of Paedon’s siblings speculated was due to his desire to be closer to his son’s college.

7 Paedon & Kody have been estranged for a long time

They seem to hate each other

Paedon and Kody have been apart for years, and there’s no reason to believe they’ll reconcile anytime soon. Christine’s son has been open about his support for his mother, especially since she split from Kody in 2021. Paedon is usually critical of Kody in speeches and interviews.

I was rude to her kids. I saw my father do things with them that he didn’t do with me

One key factor in their strained relationship is Paedon’s disdain for how Kody treated Robyn’s children compared to his own. Paedon admitted that he was sometimes rude to Robyn’s children after seeing Kody show them more attention and care than he ever received. In an interview with SunPaedon shared “I was rude to her kids. I saw my father do things with them that he didn’t do with me.” Paedon is unlikely to repair their relationship due to deep-seated hatred.

6 Paedon does not want to follow the lifestyle of a polygamist

It is against His morals

Paedon has been outspoken about his decision not to pursue a polygamous lifestyle. She realized at a young age that polygamy was not for her. According to the interview US Weekly, Paedon revealed that he knew at the age of five that the polygamous lifestyle was not something he could acceptalthough his family was deeply immersed in it. He is morally opposed to polygamy, which is a stark contrast to the way he was raised.

The dissolution of Janelle, Meri, and Christine’s marriages to Kody probably also swayed Paedon’s opinion of polygamy.

Paedon explained that seeing his parents’ plural marriage break up further strengthened his choice to leave the plural marriage. He noted that it wasn’t one big incident that led to his decision, but a series of small, gradual realizations over time. Despite this, Paedon has maintained a close relationship with many of his siblings, although he disagrees with pursuing an alternative lifestyle.

5 Paedon will never forgive his father for how he treated Christine

He is fiercely loyal to his mother

Another key question between Kody and Paedon is how Sister wives the patriarch treated Christine, Paedon’s mother. Christine and Kody’s relationship had deteriorated years before their public breakup, and Paedon witnessed Kody’s bad behavior leading to the breakup. Paedon is loyal to his mother, who decided to leave Kody after she felt neglected and undervalued in their plural marriage.

Kody’s emotional distance, favoritism towards Robyn, and lack of respect for Christine had a profound effect on the family dynamic, and Paedon easily took his mother’s side. Her father did not treat Christine with the love and care she deserved, even though he confessed that he was not interested in her. Paedon does not forgive his father for his blatant mistreatment. The way Kody treated Christine no doubt made his son feel betrayed and defensive towards his mother. Unless Christine gets along with Kody, neither will Paedon.

4 Paedon has been talking bad about Kody

He is not afraid to express his true opinions

Paedon has often spoken ill of Kody, proving that there is no love lost. By PeoplePaedon claimed that Kody tried to control his children by asking the network to include a clause in their contracts that would prevent them from speaking negatively about him in public. Christine and Paedon were particularly angry about this.

No, you don’t get to tell our kids what they can and can’t say about you. You have to earn their love back.

Paedon detailed how his mother, Christine, fought this attempt, insisting that Kody should not control the children’s opinions. “No, you don’t get to tell our kids what they can and can’t say about you. You have to earn their love back,Paedon claimed that Christine said about the deal. Despite attempts to silence her, Paedon is outspoken about her disappointment with her father.

In addition, Paedon has expressed that he feels Kody’s neglectaccusing his father in particular of favoring the younger children and Robyn’s children in particular. Kody often shifted his focus when new children were born, which left him feeling left out. His outspoken nature towards Kody came to a head when he wore a shirt referencing his mother Christine’s comment mocking Kody and Robyn for hiring a babysitter. It caused a major blowup for Kody when he found out about it, but that hasn’t stopped Paedon from saying unpleasant things about his father.

3 Paedon does not approve of Kody’s parenting style

He neglects his older children

Paedon has openly criticized his father’s parenting. Kody did not divide his time evenly between his childrenoften focusing more on the younger ones as they were born, especially Robyn’s children. Although Kody cared for all of his children, the younger children seemed to get more attention, creating a feeling of favoritism. Paedon felt a bit left out compared to the younger siblings and was especially jealous of Robyn’s children. Since Robyn was the favorite wife, it’s no surprise that Kody favored Robyn’s children, even those from a previous marriage.

One of Paedon’s key issues was that Kody was spending significantly more time with Robyn and her children, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Kody followed stricter COVID-19 rules, which resulted in him spending more time at Robyn’s house and limiting his interactions with his other wives and children. While safety was paramount during the pandemic, it seemed like Kody used it as an excuse to distance himself from his other children.

2 Kody does not speak to several of his children, including Paedon

Garrison and Kody were separated before her death

Kody has a strained relationship with several of his children, particularly from his marriages to Janelle and Christine Brown. The fallout mainly began during the COVID-19 pandemic, when Kody’s strict protocols alienated everyone except Robyn’s children. Although Paedon is often the loudest in criticizing his fatherhe has experienced deterioration in his relationships with other older children.

Kody has lost three wives since the COVID-19 pandemic, but he has also lost the affection of his children because he favors Robyn’s children.

Kody does not speak to Paedon, but he is also estranged from Gabriel Brown, one of Janelle’s sons, and Garrison, who died in 2023. Gabriel revealed in an emotional moment Sister wives that Kody forgot his birthday during the call. Kody’s relationship with Maddie Brown, also Janelle’s daughter, is strained as Maddie openly discusses how her children don’t recognize their grandfather due to a lack of contact. The distance is certainly sad, but Kody did it to himself.

1 Paedon is too stubborn to bond with Kody

He doesn’t back down

Overall, Paedon’s strained relationship with his father, Kody, is due to several factors, including his loyalty to his mother, Christine, and his outspoken nature. However, all this is summed up by his stubborn nature, which will never allow him to forgive his father. Their relationship only worsened when Paedon wore a t-shirt, “What does a nanny do?“, bumping into Kody and Robyn’s decision to allow a babysitter during the pandemic when other family members weren’t allowed to visit. This seemed to be the catalyst for them going no contact.

What does a nanny do?

Additionally, Paedon hates Robyn, blames her for much of the family’s tension, and claims that Kody favors Robyn’s children over his other children. Paedon’s reluctance to reconcile likely stems from this deep-seated family dynamic and his feelings of exclusion. Unless Kody breaks up with Robyn, apologizes to Christine, and starts prioritizing his kids the same way, Paedon will stubbornly stick with Kody. Therefore Sister wives the relationship of the stars never improves.

Sister wives

season 19 airs Sundays at 10pm on TLC.

Sources: TV Shows Ace, The Sun, US Weekly/YouTube, People

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