The starting season The Golden Bachelor recently premiered, and while it’s already a must-see, the Joan Vassos spin-off will never be as good as The Golden Bachelor. Joan, a widowed 61-year-old private school administrator, made her TV debut The Golden Bachelor season 1, along with 21 other impressive older single women competing for the heart of 72-year-old retired widower Gerry Turner. Gerry didn’t notice Joan at first, but after her heartfelt performance during the group date, he finally realized what a great catch she was. After two calls, Joan received a distressing phone call from home. Her daughter, who had just given birth to Joan’s third grandchild, was struggling and desperately needed her mother. Even though Joan had a real chance to find love with Gerry, she put family first, packed her bags and left the show early.

Although Joan was only on The Golden Bachelor season 1 for a few weeks, he really left an impression on the audience, who were deeply moved by his love for his daughter. During Gerry’s season, there were several other women considered as possible leads for a female-led spin-off, including 65-year-old Leslie Fhima, 60-year-old Faith Martin and 67-year-old Susan Noles. The role eventually went to Joan and The Golden Bachelor season 1 recently premiered, and Joan met 24 impressive older men vying for her heart. Although series premiere Bachelor The Nation spin-off promises an exciting season full of love and dramahere are ten reasons why it can never get anywhere near the top of entertainment The Golden Bachelor.

10 Gerry is a more entertaining leader

From hero to zero in record time

When Gerry was first announced as manager The Golden Bachelor, women from across the country flooded ABC casting offices with applications. It seemed like every widow and divorcee in America wanted a chance to meet a tall, attractive widow. Besides being telegenic and charming, Gerry had a touching backstory. The widower was married to Toni Turner for 43 happy years before he died in 2017 after a short illness.


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According to Gerry, he had been single since he lost his beloved wife, but that turned out to be wrong. Although The Golden Bachelor season 1 aired, it was revealed Gerry had started dating almost immediately after his wife’s deathand even had a serious long-term relationship with a live-in girlfriend. This was just one of the many times Gerry was a very entertaining “agent of chaos” and sweet Joan simply cannot match Gerry’s entertainment value.

9 Joan is not over her late husband

He’s not ready

Years before joining the cast golden bachelor, Joan was married to John Nicholas Vassos for 32 yearsuntil he died in 2021 after a short battle with pancreatic cancer. In a January Instagram post Joan shared a family photo of her, John, and their grown children. She wrote that it had been three years since she lost John and that he was still deeply shaken by the loss of her beloved late husband.

It is clear from the message that Joan loved her late husband very much and was devoted to him.

Premiere episode The Golden Bachelor season 1 opens with Joan talking about how much she loved her husband and how safe he always made her feel. It will be difficult for him to find it again. Although Gerry started dating almost immediately after his wife’s death, Joan has really been single ever since, and it’s unlikely that she’s done just yet.

8 Joan already said she wasn’t into marriage

He already manages expectations

Perhaps influenced by Gerry’s failed marriage to 70-year-old Theresa Nist The Golden Bachelor, Joan changed expectations dramatically The Golden Bachelor season 1. In May CNN in the interview, Joan made it clear that her season will not end with her rushing to get married. Therefore fans can forget the other The Golden Bachelor wedding special.

On the plus side, this also means fans won’t have to endure another disappointing divorce.

The mother of four also explained that while two of her children are excited about the prospect, the other two are don’t want to see their mother dating multiple men on TV. While Gerry kissed many women in one night of the season, Joan only kissed one man in the first night of the season.

7 Joan is already talking about doing another show

He is the Eyeing Bachelor In Paradise

During the same CNN interview, Joan said she hoped ABC would Golden Bachelor in Paradisesaying: “Oh my god. I want to be in it!“She quickly caught herself and added:I hope I have a husband and I’m not good enough.“The fact that Joan was already talking about appearing on another unscripted dating show before filming The Golden Bachelor shows how determined he is to find love in the franchise.

Although Joan probably has the best intentions, she may not have much faith in the process, and after Gerry and Theresa divorce, it’s hard to blame him. This doesn’t necessarily mean Joan’s season is doomed, but it’s certainly not a hopeful sign. Although anything can happen, he’s already considering the possibility of failure in his spin-off and thinking about life after that. This may not bode well.

6 Joan’s men like each other too much

It’s Bro Fest

One of the main themes of the premiere The Golden Bachelor season 1 was brotherhood. As Joan greeted the 24 older bachelors who had been cast to compete for her affections, the cast enjoyed their first cocktail party of the season. Very quickly it became clear that as much as the men liked Joan, they liked each other just as much. Several men commented on how they were impressed by other menand the evening became a true love fest.

Although women
The Golden Bachelor
seemed friendly enough, there were a lot of strong personalities between them and a lot of conflict throughout the season.

In contrast, men The Golden Bachelor season 1 seem to like and admire each other too much to ever be involved in conflict, which can make for a much less exciting season. Atmospheric fireworks are needed to add spice. This season can be a very mild dish.

5 The novelty has worn off

That’s old news

In addition to being endlessly entertaining, The Golden Bachelor season 1 made history. The show broke as the first unscripted dating show to focus on the love lives of baby boomers, and thus it was a big hit with a rapidly aging TV audience hungry for stories about themselves. For many older people, the show represented the idea of ​​finding love later in life that everyone wants to believe in, which is why Gerry and Theresa’s divorce has been so disappointing. The show was an instant hit – there was no doubt that there would be a female-led version of the show. It doesn’t matter how good The Golden Bachelor season 1 is, it can never touch the sheer thrill of novelty The Golden Bachelor season 1

4 Joan’s men are not so serious

Some just came to the party

When Gerry’s ladies are on The Golden Bachelor season 1 seemed to be a bunch of serious singles looking for love, some of Joan’s men The Golden Bachelor season 1 seems to be more interested in party life. Several of the men expressed respect for the luxurious house and its various accoutrements.

The biggest personality in the group is Jack, a 68-year-old caterer from Chicago who provided a fun tour of the house and grounds.

Jack seemed excited about the mansion’s impressive pool and scenes in future episodes, Jack makes several cannonballs into the pool when he should be wetting Joan. To be fair to Jack, he cooked Joan a fine meal in the mansion’s incredible kitchen. This affected him, as he decided to give Jack a rose at the end of the first episode.

3 Joan is too nice

He seems like a genuine person

During The Golden Bachelor in Season 1, Joan stood out from the other women on a group date with Gerry. The date included a talent show, and each woman was expected to get on stage in front of a live audience and perform a talent show. The best performing woman would win the coveted one-on-one dinner with Gerry. Joan wanted to be alone with Gerrybut she was nervous and felt that she had no talent and was not as outgoing as other women.

While the other ladies each put on a wild performance, shy Joan read a poem that Gerry loved.

To his surprise, Joan was crowned the winner of the talent show and didn’t have to pretend to be someone she wasn’t. His poem wasn’t the most entertaining performance at the talent show, but it was genuine and heartfelt. The thoughtful authenticity that Joan is sure to bring The Golden Bachelor may not be the most entertaining television experience, even if it could help Joan clean up Gerry’s mess.

2 Too Much Pressure

Joan Has A Lot On Her Shoulders

Gerry and Theresa’s short-lived marriage really hurt credibility The Golden Bachelor brand, and Joan is expected to save the show’s reputation. It’s not just that Gerry and Theresa couldn’t last, it’s that they rushed into an ill-advised marriage only to rush out of it soon enough. In retrospect rushing into marriage before getting to know each other was a mistakebut they were blown away by the show’s massive success and sky-high expectations.

In retrospect, the wedding was probably more about grades than a celebration of true love.

Joan seems to be more grounded than Gerry and less impulsive, so she hardly makes as many funny mistakes. He has already made it clear that he has no intention of rushing into marriage she’s unlikely to taint the brand further with another divorce. It is unfair to expect Joan to salvage its tattered reputation Bachelor spin-off, and that’s an expectation he probably won’t be able to live up to.

1 Producers have not learned from their mistakes

They are trying to rush another wedding

Custom image of César Garcia

Gerry and Theresa weren’t the only ones who got excited in their day The Golden Bachelor season 1. With good vibes and intoxicated by the show’s success, ABC and the show’s producers wanted to give fans more of what they wanted. Knowing that it would take some time before they could produce and express golden bachelor, they decided Capitalize on the show’s success by televising the wedding instead. Gerry and Theresa The Golden Bachelor the wedding was a lavish affair attended by the who’s who of The Bachelor Nation.

Gerry and Theresa’s union was a dream wedding, and no expense was spared.

The star-studded event aired on ABC in January, just weeks after the final rose episode. When Gerry and Theresa’s marriage broke up only three months later, it should have taught the producers about forcing a contrived love story, but the chances are unlikely. The Golden Bachelor season 1 was such a big hit that the producers will probably try to do it again The Golden Bachelor season 1

The Golden Bachelor

Gerry Turner

73 years old

Retired restaurateur

Widowed & divorced

The Golden Bachelor

Joan Vassos

61 years old

Private school administrator


The Golden Bachelor season 1 airs Wednesday nights at 8:00 PM on ABC.

Sources: Joan Vassos/Instagram, CNN

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